Chiropractor should i see

Yet despite how common it is, the precise cause of pain is often unclear. And a single, best treatment for most low back pain is unknown. Some doctors also suggest trying chiropractic care. The good news is that no matter what treatment is recommended, most people with a recent onset of back pain are better within a few weeks — often within a few days.

Some doctors refer back pain sufferers to a physical therapist right away. But many people with back pain see acupuncturists, massage therapists, or a chiropractor on their own. Experts disagree about the role of chiropractic care, and there are not many high-quality studies to consult about this approach. As a result, there are a number of questions regarding the role of chiropractic care: Should it be a routine part of initial care?

Are some people more likely to improve with chiropractic care than others? The answers to these questions go beyond any academic debate about how good chiropractic care is. With the backdrop of the opioid crisis, we badly need an effective, safe, and non-opioid alternative to treat low back pain. A study published in JAMA Network Open is among the latest to weigh in on the pros and cons of chiropractic care for treating low back pain.

Researchers enrolled active-duty military personnel who complained of back pain. Half were randomly assigned to receive usual care including medications, self-care, and physical therapy while the other half received usual care plus up to 12 chiropractic treatments. Five percent of those receiving usual care had similar complaints.

And this one is no exception. While this study suggests that chiropractic care may be helpful for low back pain, some aspects of the study make it hard to be sure. For example:. If any of these factors had been different, the results might have been different. This new study lends support for chiropractic care to treat low back pain.

As a service to our readers, Harvard Health Publishing provides access to our library of archived content. Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician. I am 86 year old. I occasionally have back pain now. I contribute my resilience to the fact that I was physically active for most of my life in particular since my retirement.

In one of my employment as a industrial safety engineer I attended a 2 day back pain seminar and explaining what can be done to reduce back injuries. One of the presenter told us about the Chiropractor prayer: Oh God please help this patient that is under my care and please help him while he is still under my care.

Chiropractic has helped my husband and me after getting nothing but muscle relaxers and surgery suggestions from traditional MDs. Would you stop seeing doctors because of that? Probably not. Best advice ever! I do not wake up in pain every morning now. I will always have problems with my back but not unbearable and unremitting as I had previous to the chiropractic treatment. I am a Registered Nurse and was very unsure about trying this course of treatment.

I am extremely happy with the level of this care. Pinched nerves a good surgeon can fix that. No drug addiction no side effects. Just going home with out pain. Insurance companies will not help pay for it. Interview the people who are paying for the treatments we will tell you it works. The Chinese have been using it since before Jesus was born. They use it to stop pain when performing surgery.

I agree with H Leslie. The study was flawed due to using symptomatology alone. A better study would be a similar problem diagnosed by X-ray that an adjustment would typically fix and compare that to a long down-time of rest and pain meds. The medical profession has to accept the fact that there are alternatives to rest, pain meds, muscle relaxants, etc.

It is in our vernacular. When I console a frustrated, crying, mom who is overwhelmed by the care of her new baby, I often touch her shoulder while speaking to her.

I am an active, athletic pediatrician whose back pain always got better with time and rest. If you want to manipulate backs OK with me. And finally, you cannot cure colic and neither can I. Is an MD really the right professional to be commenting on low back pain? More pain, more recurrence, expensive diagnostics, and a greater likelihood of opioid prescriptions — with all the resulting risks? Furthermore, why are we even targeting an entire profession?

I always enjoy reading articles such as these from so called, 20th century experts, still questioning if chiropractic care is or should be considered viable for back pain…i also find it remarkable how this article positions chiropractic as a last resort for lower back pain, kudos however for offering to refer your patients. You still forgot to mention that chiropractic care is very affordable and efficient. You need help and often surgery is not the answer but a chiropractic treatment plan with varied manual therapies and a therapeutic exercise plan is.

You likely know that many people deal with chronic pain or mental illness. But you may not know how often the two go together. If you have chronic pain, it impacts your mood and can lead to depression.

As part of your overall circle of care, a chiropractor can give you coping strategies, such as prescribing therapeutic exercises to help you manage your muscle, bone, tendon, ligament and joint conditions. Many adults visit chiropractors to alleviate sporadic pain, reduce their risk of injuries or improve their flexibility, mobility and posture so they can live their best life. Pregnancy can bring many changes, including low and upper back, pelvic and foot pain, as well as carpal tunnel syndrome.

A chiropractor can alleviate your aches and pains, improve your mobility and teach you how to reduce or prevent pain now and after your baby is born. Chiropractic treatments, such as manual therapy and therapeutic exercises, can help optimize your performance.

They can also help prevent injuries and if they do occur, reduce your healing time. And during a game or practice, a chiropractor can provide immediate care to assess and manage sprains to concussions. From office to industrial work, many jobs put extensive pressure on your spine, muscles and joints.

They also put you at risk of injury. You, like workers from all fields, can visit a chiropractor to prevent or address workplace injuries, so you can safely and more easily move through your day. Thanks for checking this link in our beta site. In the meantime, check our Self-Management section for tips to help you alleviate any spine, muscle or joint pain you may have and discover how to live your best life at home, at work or at play.

When Should You Visit a Chiropractor? OCA Admin T You may want to visit a chiropractor at various times throughout your life. A chiropractor can alleviate long-term or sporadic pain, promote health and help you live your best life.

Do you need a referral to see a chiropractor in Ontario? Just make sure you see one that is licensed to practice. Patients who stand to benefit the most from chiropractic care are those who are generally healthy and without advanced joint disease. Examples include those with sciatica or old sports injuries.

People who get tension headaches and migraines can also benefit from seeing a chiropractor, because alignment issues contribute to the occurrence of headaches. Moreover, patients with frozen shoulder syndrome can also benefit from chiropractic adjustments, which stretch muscles in the shoulder and reduce stiffness.

Many patients seek chiropractic care for symptoms such as chronic pain, fatigue, lack of energy, digestive problems, muscle aches, numbness, and tingling. All of these issues can be addressed with chiropractic care. Patients with herniated or slipped discs and those with arthritis may need advice from specialist physicians before seeing a chiropractor.

If there is a physical abnormality or injury in your body, such as a fracture, chiropractic care may not be for you. People with osteoporosis and those with fragile health should also check before beginning chiropractic care. Simply consult with a chiropractor!


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