Irregular menstruation can you get pregnant

Take your basal body temperature with a basal body thermometer first thing in the morning, before you eat, talk, or even get out of bed. Chart your temperature all month long. When you notice a slight increase, usually half a degree to a whole degree, you may have ovulated.

The most important thing is to have regular unprotected sex. Aim to have intercourse at least every two to three days. Your doctor may prescribe clomiphene citrate Clomid to induce ovulation. Clomid has been found to be an effective drug for stimulating ovulation. It has also shown positive results when used in women with PCOS. Weight loss or weight gain may also help. According to the PCOS Awareness Association , losing just 5 to 10 percent of your body weight can help regulate ovulation in women who are overweight.

They may be able to provide you with meal plans and exercise guidelines, or point you to resources. If your irregular periods are caused by an underactive or overactive thyroid, your doctor will prescribe drugs that increase the thyroid hormone or block it. One study published in the found that 35 percent of women with hypothyroidism and infertility who were treated with the drug levothyroxine Levoxylo, Synthroid, Unithroid got pregnant versus 26 percent treated with a placebo.

If the cause is unknown, you may have no increased risk for pregnancy complications, but you should discuss possible risks with your doctor. Pregnant women with PCOS are at greater risk for:. Pregnant women with uncontrolled hyperthyroidism have higher rates of delivering a stillborn baby, a premature baby, or a baby with birth defects.

Many women experience irregular periods, mostly due to irregular ovulation. While infrequent ovulation can make it harder to get pregnant, your doctor can help increase your fertility by treating the underlying cause of your irregular menstruation and monitoring your progress once you do conceive.

This will help ensure that you have a healthy pregnancy and deliver a healthy baby. Clomid is also known as clomiphene citrate. How late is too late for a period to come? We'll break down how to know if it's late or just not coming this month and some common reasons why. For most menstruating people, period cravings are just a part of life. Here's a look at why they happen, whether they're a sign of pregnancy, and how….

Anyone with a period may be looking for a sustainable way to manage menstruation. Read on to see if a menstrual cup like the DivaCup is right for you. COVID may temporarily affect your period, and researchers aren't exactly sure why. The most common symptoms seem to be light periods or longer…. A period menstruation is normal vaginal bleeding that is a natural part of a woman's healthy monthly cycle. This article details the process. Less ovulation means fewer opportunities to conceive.

First and foremost — know that your periods are irregular and consult your doctor to restore the regularity of your periods. The increased ovulation frequency will increase the chances for getting pregnant. Here are some more tips to get pregnant with irregular menstrual cycle. It is difficult to find the fertile period when you have irregular menstrual cycle.

The most fertile period is the last two to three prior to ovulation. You can get blood tests or chart temperature to confirm the ovulation period and have intercourse during the fertile period. In case you are underweight, you need to increase your weight as low body fat is often associated with low levels of estrogen, which can lead to irregular cycle.

If you are overweight, lose some weight by exercising. It is beneficial especially if you have PCOS. It is important to eat healthy, well-balanced food. Instead of fast food or processed food, try to consume fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Try to avoid eating food that contains high levels of fat and carbohydrate. Proper functioning of the body is important for the release of proper hormones and exercising regularly to keep your body healthy.

Can I still get pregnant if I don't get my period all the time? Getting pregnant is related to ovulation. Ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovaries. It is the time when a girl is most likely to get pregnant. A girl with irregular periods usually still ovulates, just not on a regular, predictable schedule. All girls, especially girls with irregular periods, can ovulate at different points from cycle to cycle.


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