Where is ace trainer corky

To the East is a Hyper Potion in a small corner. Continue delving into the cave. Two floating stones will be blocking your path ahead. Push the top stone to the left, and push the bottom stone down. North is a dead end, but you can still walk there and find an item.

Use your Dowsing Machine to find a hidden Hyper Potion. Return South and cross the bridge to the East. Push the floating stone at the other end downward to open up the path to the basement. Before you can head down, you'll have to fight another trainer. This particular battle will be a Triple Battle.

Afterwards, head South to find two floating stones. Only move the bottom one to the left. If you move both, you won't be able to grab the Magnet ahead.

Entering the first basement will place you on the far South East corner of the floor. Walk West to find two people. These people aren't trainers, so don't worry.

Talk to them to receive a Nugget and Big Nugget. Further West is a set of stairs that will take you back up to the first floor. It's a very small area near the beginning of the cave. You can jump the ledge to the left to return to the entrance, but you'd have to walk all the way back. There are two people in this area. Below the trainer is a hidden item. Use your Dowsing Machine to find a hidden Carbos. Go back to the two people who gave you nuggets on the first basement.

From there, head North East. A trainer can be found on the Eastern Path. North of the trainer is an Iron. To the West of the item is a Pokemon Doctor. Defeat him in a Pokemon Battle to heal your Pokemon.

Continue North to find a Scientist trainer walking around in a circle. He'll challenge you to a battle. She'll use an X Special. Next, head west. Push the first floating stone to the left and grab a Revive further West. Push the second floating stone upward to reach two staircases. The staircase to the right takes out back to the first floor and out to Mistralton.

The staircase to the left takes you to the second basement where more trainers and items await. The second basement may be the smallest floor of the three. Chargestone Cave. Between Route 6 and Mistralton City. Location of Chargestone Cave in Unova. TM78 Bulldoze. In front of the entrance, as the reward for defeating Clay in his Gym. Lucky Egg. Heal Ball. Hyper Potion. Max Potion. B1F, on wall west of Doctor Wayne hidden. Timer Ball. Star Piece. Rare Candy.

TM69 Rock Polish. B2F, given by Bronius post-game. Full Heal. B2 W2. Yellow Shard. Max Repel. Big Nugget. Ultra Ball. B1F, west of Scientist Lumi. Escape Rope. B2F, south of Guitarist Beverly. B2F, north of Ace Trainer Shaye. Metal Coat. B2F, south of Ace Trainer Vicki. Electric Gem. B2F, at the dead end northeast of Ace Trainer Vicki hidden.

Fire Gem. Dust cloud. Water Gem. Grass Gem. N says that those guys were the Shadow Triad, whom Ghetsis hired to find out about you. N knows that Cheren is pursuing strength, and N feels that Bianca has reached the limit of her strength as a trainer, but he says that you seem to be neutral, which is why Ghetsis is interested in you.

N warns that you will encounter Team Plasma up ahead. N goes farther into the cave. After you head into the cave a little bit, Bianca and Professor Juniper will arrive. Bianca will tell you that some of the floating stones can be pushed. The amount earned becomes the amount that it would get if it were boosted i. In past games, this item was pretty rare, so it's great to get it so easily this time around! As you go farther into the cave, you will find a crystal that won't move if you push it from the right.

Push it from the left to move it out of the way. The floating crystals are attracted to the larger crystals that are embedded in the floor, so be sure to always push the floating crystals toward the large crystals. Chargestone Cave is a big place, and there are many trainers around. Anyway, on the first floor, you will meet Scientist Ronald with an L29 Klink. There is a hidden item to the northeast of the Ace Trainer. Nearby, there are a couple of floating crystals.

Push the upper one to the left, and push the lower one down, to continue on. After going down some stairs, you find another floating crystal.

Push it to the right. Bianca and Professor Juniper will arrive and talk about the mysterious Klink. A floating crystal blocks your path to the north, so continue south. Eventually you reach a wooden bridge, where the Shadow Triad will surround you and scurry across the bridge with you. Afterward, they will tell you that Team Plasma is waiting for you down some stairs ahead. Then they will disappear. Get the Hyper Potion to the north, then push the floating crystal down to continue on.

You will soon encounter Scientist Naoko, who has an L29 Klink. As before, use Fire, Fighting, and Ground moves. The stairs are here, but before using them, go south of the stairs and push the lower floating crystal to the left, then continue left to find an Iron.

Down the stairs, you will find the Nugget brothers. Each of them will give you a Nugget. To the west of the Nugget Brothers is a hidden Parlyz Heal, and some stairs leading up. Going up those stairs, you will find a narrow area to the south that has a hidden HP Up. If you hop down the ledge, you will be near the Route 6 exit of Chargestone Cave, so don't do that unless you want to backtrack.


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