Where to find nursing journals
Nursing journals can be general to the profession or specific to nursing specialties , such as oncology nurse or geriatrics nurse. Here is a selection of online nursing journals. These free journals may contain some articles that require purchase.
Description: This is a peer-reviewed journal for advanced practice clinicians, healthcare professionals, clinical nurse specialists, nurse practitioners, and academic and clinical educators in emergency nursing. Feature articles focus on current content for experienced clinicians and advanced practice nurses in emergency care. Website: Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal.
Description: This journal from the National Association of Neonatal Nurses promotes evidence-based care and improved outcomes for infants and their families. It publishes clinical practice articles and original research, including peer-reviewed editorials.
Website: Advances in Neonatal Care. The journal says its mission is to promote excellence in nursing and healthcare through the dissemination of original research and clinical information, adherence to the standards of journalistic integrity and excellence, promotion of nursing perspectives to the healthcare community and the public, and discussion of relevant and controversial professional issues.
Description: This is an interdisciplinary journal publishing original research, meta analysis of existing studies and systematic reviews, along with commissioned commentaries about maternal and newborn public health and perinatal clinical care. The journal says its readers are obstetrics, public health, and neonatology; childbirth educators; lactation counselors; midwives; physicians; doulas; social scientists; epidemiologists; psychologists; and other policymakers and health workers in perinatal care.
Website: Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care. It is intended for practicing nurses specializing in the care of patients with an actual or potential cancer diagnosis. The journal seeks to share evidence-based, clinically relevant content for oncology nurses to use when caring for cancer patients. Website: Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. Description: This journal says its mission is to foster continued development of the clinical nurse specialist role, to share outcomes and to highlight contributions globally.
Description: This bimonthly peer-reviewed journal says it intends to provide critical and acute care nurses with useful, relevant and evidence-based information concerning the bedside care of acutely ill and critically ill patients. It also aims to keep acute and critical care nurses up to date on issues that affect the safety and quality of their practice.
Website: Critical Care Nurse. Description: This journal systematically searches a wide range of global healthcare journals and applies criteria for research validity and relevance to best practices in nursing.
Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research. Journal of Caring Sciences. Journal of Clinical Nursing and Practice. Journal of Health and Caring Sciences. Journal of Nursing and Health. Journal of Nursing and Health Studies. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice. Journal of Nursing Research. Journal of Perioperative Nursing. Journal of Research in Nursing.
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I read Open Access journals to keep abreast of the recent development in my field of study. Researchers, faculty members, and students will be greatly benefited by the new journals of Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. Peer Review Workflow Reviewers Guidelines. Guidelines for Guest Editors.
Advertise With Us Kudos. We publish under the following themes: Nursing and Midwifery practice Education Research methodology Evidence based practice New role in practice Systematic reviews Case studies Ethical and professional issues Management in health care Sustainability in health and health care provision All authors should make clear how the implications of their paper for nursing, midwifery and health care practice.
Recent Articles. View More Articles. Floyd, Karen A. Read Nursing Children and Young People. Nursing Management provides trusted advice for senior managers, nurses in leadership roles and aspiring nurse leaders across all nursing disciplines.
Read Nursing Management. Nursing Older People is the leading specialist journal for nurses who care for older people across a range of health and social care settings. Read Nursing Older People. Nurse Researcher is the only research methodology journal written specifically for nurses and healthcare staff.
Read Nurse Researcher. Primary Health Care keeps readers at the forefront of community and primary care health nursing. Read Primary Healthcare. RCNi Plus. To help all nurses and healthcare professionals during this period, we've made our most relevant articles and learning modules free COVID centre Well-being centre.
Nursing Standard Nursing Standard offers a range of content to support nurses in delivering excellent care. Picture: John Houlihan Cancer Nursing Practice Cancer Nursing Practice covers specialist topics such as cancers of the blood and breast cancer, as well as broader issues such as palliative care and oncology nursing.