How can christianity be defended as truth

Knowing that our faith is based on solid truth as revealed to us by Jesus Himself, rather than being dependent on public opinion polls, fad theology or the whims of people, should give us confidence as we explain our faith to others. It is also freeing, to know that we can be open, transparent and honest with others about our beliefs pointing them to the objective fact of Scripture as our guide. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. To view a pdf version of this "Reflections," please click here.

To go to the "Reflections" archives, please click here. Learn More. Create new account Request new password. Search this site:. Lewis Institute connect with us :. We asked our panel of religious leaders of the region the following question: Should believers defend religion or let God defend it? G-d and humans are both responsible to maintain religion. The Jew saw them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities of age, no dulling of his alert mind.

All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality? Surely, if God is real and the religion is true, then he himself will preserve it. We should know what we believe and be able to articulate it.

All must participate, however humble their origin, however limited their experience, however restricted their means, however deficient their education, however pressing their cares and preoccupations, however unfavorable the environment in which they live. By defending our faith, we will be honored.

We do not ask God to defend His Teachings we beg God to defend and protect us. For the Christian, the personhood and deity of Jesus are paramount. Jesus not only taught others about himself, but allowed his life to be a testimony to the truth of his person John His life, death, and resurrection are a testimony, a defense, to the truth of his claims.

Likewise, it is crucial for Christians to both know and defend our beliefs. Typically defense conjures up images of judgmental or combative Christians. However, Christians are to live like Christ who shared the truth of his identity and allowed his life to reinforce those claims.

Christians too are to speak truth and live a life modeled after Jesus. A Christian defense, both verbal and non-verbal, should be done in love and kindness in a way that welcomes others. Do we get it right all the time? Sadly, no. Should we keep trying? My fear is trying to quote scripture to my sisters who do not believe the word of God and doubting myself when put on the spot by their endless judging of why do I believe what I cannot prove.

I know that God is real and his grace and love is neverending. Thank you for providing this study and I look forward to next Monday. I admit that all of what you listed is what I find difficult. It started a very heated discussion. I was called a hater and a bigot among other things.

I look forward to the continuation of this series and wish you were doing it more than once a week! Blessings dear friend! Have a wonderful week! Love and hugs!! I also would love to hear your thoughts on the Evangelical church body as a whole, and in history, how it came to be because, as you said, the Bible was formed over a year span.

Was it oral tradition? Word of mouth? Thank you so much for considering these questions:. My Mom did too. I try to avoid it. Mine is fear of confrontation which is wrong for me to feel because God does not give us the spirit of fear but of love. People can be so mean and heartless, especially online. Some feel they can type whatever comes to their minds, in respond to others, because no no is seeing them, but God is not please.

I appreciate this series, Courtney, because I, too, am a passionate defender of truth. I fear the rejection and loneliness of taking this stand. I am enduring it now. I also am deeply wounded by the ridicule and mockery. I feel the enemy trying to steal my worship and my joy as i walk through this and i am more than a little angry at the liar. I was raised Roman Catholic and went through 12 years of Catholic School.

Being raised in that is not the same, in my opinion, as being taught to have a personal relationship with God. Totally new way of living. Now with that said, sharing what I believe face-to-face is still hard for me — I work in a law office everything has a tangible answer and I am surrounded by people who are not where I am, or where my family is.

I always hear coworkers and friends talk about Bible-thumpers and Holy Rollers….. Hi Kristin, I have been where you were. As a Catholic I always found something missing in my life. As I grew I found friends who knew the bible much more than me. His family however were. Through them I was learning that scripture was the only way to go. Long story short my husband became ill and had to be hospitalized for the rest of his days.

At the end of his life I met another man through my work situation and eventually married him. We both attended a bible believing church and grew in faith. Today he is completing his bible studies and will soon become a pastor and as he says will feed the flock. I have never been more contented in my life. God and His word the Bible is the only way to live. God bless all who read this and my prayer is that all will come to follow God. What a great start, Courtney! I fear being accused of being judgmental or intolerant, because of a situation in which those accusations are constant.

I have to give that fear over to God and embrace His Truth. The fear of confrontation is hard to overcome, when people online become so ugly and self-righteous. If there was such thing as a calm discussion then it would be easier to talk and really hear the other person. I find myself genuinely interested in why others feel the way they do and if we could all really hear the other person, then we might be more effective in shining light on those gray areas.

They could learn a thing or two about standing firm and not wallowing in the mud of their new found liberal way of interpreting the Bible. Feeling unequipped and unsure of what scripture says. I am hoping to grow and be able to stand and have answers for my friends. For me it is a mixture of feeling unequipped and unsure of what exactly the scripture says, of losing a friend, and of confrontation. I love the list you gave to defend the faith!

Hi Courtney, I also share in the same concerns and doubts just as you and the others, but hopefully during this study our faith and confidence in the word and what we believe will be built up not only for ourselves but family and friends by sharing this message with them and especially to young people soon to be going off to college and opposed for what they believe even by their professors! This preposition makes an important distinction which needs to be clarified!

I am so excited about this series and the equipping to be bold in sharing why we believe and what we believe. Our church is reading through the Bible for the second year in a row. They provide a journal with readings, commentary, and questions for 6 days each week. We read that exact scripture in Judges two weeks ago!! I had the same thought!! One of my biggest struggles in sharing is fear of rejection. I struggle with defending truth all the time! I worry that my words or how I say them will get in the way of the true meaning of my message.

Thank you for this series. I feel all those things when it comes to defending my faith. This is going to be a very helpful series for me. Thank you again. So appreciate your words of wisdom and clarity. Our world is dark and blurry. And we need to be courageous and speak with love about truth. I love the question you presented… Do you love that person? I have much to learn! I also fear coming across as judgemental.

I have had loved ones get defensive and say that I am judgemental even though I try to be very loving and gentle so this has somewhat traumatized me to thinking that I am coming across wrong. I first start praying beforehand for the person I want to witness too.

Then I tell them that I do and further expand from there. Sin is anything against a Holy God. Lying, murder, adultery, steeling. The Ten Commandments Jesus died on a cross to take away our sins to save us from hell, or a lost eternity if I want to soften it a little. Even on a deathbed prayer God will hear you like He would those on that sinking ship and you can spend forever in eternity with Him!

God is merciful and wants us to have a relationship with Him. Not a religion! I always say grace in front of them, and take them home baked cookies. Wow ow ow! Thank you, LORD, for opening up my heart and soul to this message! This is an excellent new series! It is a 13 week DVD study. The bottom line is that a person must know the truth as laid out in the bible in order to withstand the constant bombardment of lies of this world. Be strong, as you will undoubtedly receive criticism.

Satan already hates what you are doing, but this will increase the attacks. Praying for your ministry! I always worry that I will come across wrong—I do not ever want to be perceived as coming from a place of hate or self-righteousness. Romans says This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

A lot plainer, simpler: HE sent Jesus to die for us. Worship HIM. Being overly righteous means acting holier than thou, basically. Not being down to earth. Placing too many expectations on others. And being too rigid. He is the author of What Is the Gospel? Greg and his wife, Moriah, have three children. Sign In. Why Do You Trust the Bible? Why Trust the Bible? Greg Gilbert The Bible is foundational to Christianity, but many believers struggle to articulate why they trust it.

Asking the Right Questions. Matthew S. Taking God At His Word.


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